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Team info

Quintin Olivier
Davide Lucioni

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The Challenge

The challenge for MiniSwaps is to address the unsustainable cycle of baby clothing consumption, which often involves frequent purchases of new garments followed by disposal or donation as the baby outgrows them. This cycle contributes to environmental waste, as discarded clothing ends up in landfills, and it also perpetuates a culture of overconsumption and fast fashion.

The solution

MiniSwaps offers a subscription-based service where customers receive a bundle of sustainable baby clothes. Instead of purchasing new garments each time the baby outgrows their clothing, customers can simply swap the items for a larger size when needed. This model encourages reuse and reduces waste by extending the lifespan of clothing through multiple users.


The mission of MiniSwaps is to promote sustainability in baby clothing consumption by providing a convenient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional purchasing practices. By offering a subscription service centered around clothing exchange, MiniSwaps aims to reduce the environmental impact of baby clothing while also promoting a more conscious approach to consumption among parents and caregivers.

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