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Ruxin Ke
Shreya Kannan

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The Challenge

The escalating issue of food waste in Central Asia, particularly in Kyrgyzstan, where almost 40% of food is discarded annually, presents both a challenge and an opportunity. As this waste accumulates, it not only strains the environment but also represents lost resources that could be repurposed. To address this, we propose a sustainable solution that aligns with the region's growing demand for affordable pet food: converting food waste into healthy cat food.

The solution

Our mission is to provide top-quality food for pets while maintaining sustainability. We can minimize meat waste and maximize resource utilization efficiency by implementing a circular economy.


Our solution involves establishing a pet food manufacturing facility in Central Asia, initially focusing on producing both cat and dog food. Strategically, the factory will be located in Kyrgyzstan, where ingredients will be sourced from the local market. This approach not only ensures affordability for pet owners but also fosters competitiveness within the market, ultimately improving the economic situation in the region.

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