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Seedlings Protection by Enactus EUR

Seedlings Protection by Enactus EUR

Team info

Rajiv Heimann
Jagoda Albin
Zalan Fekete
August Johanns
Kevin Bui

Number of team members:


Are you looking for co-founders?


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

We are looking for motivated students that are at an advanced stage of their studies and have a technical background in bio-engineering, engineering, 3D-printing and other technical skills.



The Challenge

Across Europe, there's forest dieback. That has multiple negative consequences as it reduces the habitats of animals and impacts our climate negatively. Planting trees however is very labor- and therefore cost intensive since quarterly maintenance is needed for 3 years after planting. As a result of parasites and weather conditions, around 30% of all planted seedlings die before they are fully grown, making it difficult to counteract the trend of forest dieback.

The solution

Our solution to this is to create a seedling protection out of sustainable materials that reduces seedling mortality and the labor needed to do so. The product is assembled like a plate around the seedling and is shaped in a way that optimizes hydration and offers protection from parasites. When the seedling grows a certain height, the product can be disassembled and reused, minimizing waste and costs.


Our mission is to make planting trees less cost- and labour-intensive to lower the burden of planting trees, increase the number of planted trees and with that foster a way of effectively fighting air pollution and global warming.

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