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Efe Gorkem Cek

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The Challenge

Fast fashion in the sportswear industry is causing the athletes, specially the beginners, to be less confident of how they look because of the "ideal way of the athlete" that is constantly conveyed to them. Along with this, fast fashion is bringing serious environmental consequences, which results in the sportswear industry having major sustainability concerns.

The solution

Providing Customizable & Premium Sports Apparel (CPSA), so the athlete can associate themself with the garment because it is personalized by them, and the high-durability that is provided by the premium quality means that the athlete will use the CPSA for way longer periods of time compared to the fast fashion products, which results in advanced sustainability in the sportswear industry. All CPSA garments, including the packaging, will be %100 recyclable too. In addition to our CPSA, CHEKHUK will create a vibrant community where staying true to oneself is more important than looking good in a specific outfit, which will help the athletes to focus more on their workout rather than how they are perceived by others.


Leading the athletes to "Stay True" to themselves, while driving the sportswear industry to sustainability.

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