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Team info

Alex Huurman
Vincent Ketting

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The Challenge

People with physical disabilities encounter numerous problems every single day. One of the biggest obstacles that many might encounter are related to writing or typing. Say you need to type out a * to show that you are doing a multiplication, but you are unable to use both arms to press the shift and 8 key. This situation can turn out to be quite tricky, especially when you are trying to make a test or do some otherwise simple tasks. We initially found that the grades in school for some children with physical disabilities were taking big hits due to their inability to efficiently work with their computers. And this is where our story starts, with a teenage girl called Emily. She is a bright girl with cerebral palsy, but she just couldn't translate her intelligence to good grades due to her condition.

The solution

In an attempt to solve this problem we have designed a simple keyboard consisting of 9 big keys. Each of these keys can be coded to a special character, like the symbols for multiplication(*), square root(^) and addition(+). The keyboard can be plugged into any computer, where the user can now fill in a number on their regular keyboard, and quickly switch over to our product to press the right symbol. The product is more diverse than just mathematical keys though, since a simple alteration of code can appoint the keys to any character that one desires: emoji's, special letters like ñ and while we're at it, why not just a funny GIF?


Our mission is thus to provide easy accessibility solutions, so that anyone can shine and reach their full potential.

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