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Team info

Ben Schellkes

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The Challenge

Buying new textbooks is expensive and selling your unused tickets in whatsapp groups does not reach a very large audience and is not very efficient. The problem is that there is no central place so sell and buy your stuff to or from other students. There is no platform on which you can reach more people, than the ones in your whatsapp groups. Furthermore in current online marketplaces you do not know if you can trust each other and scams happen quite often.

The solution

My proposed solution is an online platform/marketplace where only students get access to by logging in with their student email. Through that you can trust the other people in the network and address a broader audience for what you are selling (Textbooks, tickets, housing), namely all students at a certain university. Furthermore the marketplace actively shows you what you are likely to need in the upcoming blocks to make your planning much easier.


My mission is to create a central network from which all students can benefit and to safe students some money when it comes to their study expenses.

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