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Team info

Liam McGillycuddy
Ark Deliev
Olivia Monné

Number of team members:


Are you looking for co-founders?


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

Right now we are looking for team members with profficiency in the Dutch language and a background in Economics or Business. As our start-up scales up to a prototype and eventual deployment, we are looking for co-founders that can oversee and support business operations.



The Challenge

Teachers are burdened with time-consuming and meticulous manegerial and administrative responsibilities. It is imperative teachers have the tools at their disposal to qualitatively and effectively support, assess and guide their students in their respective, and differing, learning journeys. Given how digitally integrated learning management systems (LMSs) are within current classrooms, it is critical teachers are working on a system that minimizes administrative drudgery, maximizes the quality of oversight they can provide, and incorporates tools for creating and provisioning class work when feasible.

The solution

Our proposed solution? Integrating advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) with traditional Learning Management Systems (LMS). While our vision encompasses a student-focused AI tutor, our primary concentration is on a revolutionary AI-powered teacher’s assistant tailored for secondary education. This AI assistant is meticulously crafted to alleviate educators’ administrative burdens, offering solutions like conversational academic progress and behavioural reporting, allowing teachers more time and energy to dedicate to quality education.


Empower teachers, revolutionize education.

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