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Team info

Het Shah
Shubh Panchal

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The Challenge

At NYCC, we address the challenge of exorbitant prices and the daunting task of finding trustworthy individuals to clean households. These obstacles often deter people from accessing essential cleaning services, leading to frustration and unmet cleanliness needs

The solution

Our solution involves establishing a platform reminiscent of UBER, aimed at democratizing household cleaning services. By fostering a transparent and efficient marketplace, we strive to eliminate trust issues and make professional cleaning accessible to all, ensuring every home receives the care it deserves.


At NYCC, we believe that everyone deserves access to reliable and affordable household cleaning services without the burden of trust issues. Our mission is to revolutionize the industry by providing a platform akin to UBER, where connecting with skilled and trustworthy cleaners is effortless. By simplifying the process, we aim to make household cleaning accessible to all, ensuring homes are not only clean but also filled with peace of mind.

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