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Personal Finance For All

Personal Finance For All

Team info

Maria Burger

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The Challenge

Financial education is still not taught on a large scale, even if it is of fundamental importance. Schools don't teach it. Universities don't teach it. The job won't teach it either. One's own financial knowledge depends heavily on influences from family and friends, and / or the resources that can be found online. But do family members and friends really know everything? Are online resources on that topic not mainly coming from the US? These are not applicable here in Europe! Does a beginner truly know how to distinguish between what is useful information and misinformation or even fake or a scheme? From what I saw in my courses, nope.

The solution

I want to create a learning platform for personal finance that I sell to universities or education institutions. The goal is to make personal finance accessible to all students, no matter their origin or circumstances, and provide information and practical material for the most fundamental skills on how to manage one's own finances. This includes, but not limited to: budgeting, financial concepts and terms, long-term financial planning, investing and attitudes towards money.


I WILL uplift financial literacy by making education more accessible.

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