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The escalating issue of food waste in Central Asia, particularly in Kyrgyzstan, where almost 40% of food is discarded annually, presents both a challenge and an opportunity. As this waste accumulates, it not only strains the environment but also represents lost resources that could be repurposed. To address this, we propose a sustainable solution that aligns with the region's growing demand for affordable pet food: converting food waste into healthy cat food.


Many Christians feel disconnected from other cultures and limited in expressing their creativity within traditional church settings. There's a lack of inclusive spaces where Christians can come together with people from diverse backgrounds. Despite the desire to share their arts and entertainment, there's often no platform within churches to do so. This leads to a perception that being Christian is solely about attending church services.


Our company aims to help Eastern European startups find (micro)investors in the West. This platform aims to find diverse companies which struggle to find capital, to a large pool of investors. Offering this matchmaking, as well as background info on the company and credibility of the investors, will generate economic value and boost startup growth in Europe.

Awakened Society

In today's society, individuals are often conditioned to follow predetermined paths dictated by societal norms and expectations, limiting their ability to realize their full potential and live authentically. This conformity stifles personal growth and inhibits individuals from defining their own reality.

Customr AI

Many companies struggle to manage their customer service operations effectively and provide a good customer experience. Traditionally they face challenges such as high waiting times, lack of personalization, and increasing costs due to the need to employ and train agents a as result of high employee turnover.

Clara & Lucy

Our focus lies in addressing two critical societal issues: glass recycling inefficiency and domestic violence. Inefficient glass recycling contributes to environmental degradation, while domestic violence inflicts harm on individuals and families. Glass is the least recycled material being heavy and therefore costly to recycle. Domestic abuse is an issue as 1 in 3 women are physically and/or sexually abused by their intimate partner throughout their lives. By tackling both, we aim to promote environmental sustainability and foster safer communities.


The prevalent inundation of beauty product advertising often leads to misconceptions and improper usage among consumers, particularly in skincare. Consequently, individuals frequently fail to maintain optimal skin health, resulting in premature aging. Addressing this issue necessitates a comprehensive solution that educates consumers on effective skincare practices and offers innovative technology to reverse aging.


Industries generate vast amounts of waste, much of which could serve as valuable raw material for other sectors. However, the lack of organized waste trade channels results in the majority of this waste being disposed of in landfills or incinerated, contributing to environmental pollution and resource depletion.


Despite the majority of Earth’s surface being covered by water, only 1% of this is accessible fresh water. Fresh water scarcity is an ongoing problem, which is projected to only worsen in the future. As such, by as soon as 2030, global demand for this precious resource is expected to exceed supply by 40%. Seawater desalination unlocks an "infinite" supply of fresh water, and holds the potential to bridge this aforementioned gap. However, current desalination technologies are expensive, energy intensive and environmentally damaging. Aestuarium is developing sustainable and cost-effective alternatives, to ensure an abundant and accessible fresh water supply.